Friday, January 15, 2010

Nancy Bakhshy

Our group's topic is about Nancy Bakhshy. Most of you may not know her as she is not someone that we commonly speak of. So, to introduce to you who Nancy Bakhshy is do read this description about her.

Nancy Bakhshy was born in Tehran to Turkish parents. She was raised in the traditions of Turkish and Persian cultures. At her mother's dance and aerobics studio, she was schooled in Turkish and Persian dancing styles. Nancy worked her was up, firt as a student, then as an assistant until finally she was offered her own classes at the age of 20.

She always fills in cultural elements that she waves into her choreographies. Her solos and group performances are favouries among students and audience as it is lively and fun to watch. Her classes also gesture heavily to culture, folklore and party styles from the Middle East.

In Malaysia, Nancy is a true pioneer of this wonderful art form. She was the first teacher to teach belly dance in November 2002. Her program was met with much enthusiasm as women flocked to this new dance sensation. Soon she found herself in high demand in the fledgling K.L. belly dance community - with ten classes open she could barely keep up with the demand.

But Nancy didn't stop there. She continues to act as the driving force promote Belly Dance in Malaysia, but she is also a cultural liaison and a promoter of Persian music and culture. Nancy's brother Ali is an accomplished Persian musician, she has brought him to Malaysia twice to perform to thrilled audiences of Middle Eastern, Malaysian, and Western backgrounds. No matter what the culture, those who love the complex percussion patterns that his band serves up dance into the night at Nancy's lively events. Nancy and Ali make quite a pair and have garnered extensive publicity in this city.

Why do we admire Nancy Bakhshy?
It is because she has the courage to introduce something new to the people of our beautiful country, Malaysia. She brought us more closer to the Middle East cultures. Thank you, Nancy Bakhshy. Maybe someday, one of us will be someone who introduce something new to Malaysia or better yet, the world.



Group members : 1. Mai Najihah
 2. Khadijah
3. Leong Pik Leng
4. Jasween

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